Monday, September 15, 2008

Let's try this one more time...

I used to write a blog around two years ago when I got my first digital camera, a Canon 350XT. That blog was called and was pretty much my personal ramblings about my excitement regarding my new digital camera, and my renewed interest in photography. That blog went by the wayside, but my passion for photography has not. I continue to shoot everyday for a few reasons.

Personally, my in-laws live 2,000 miles away and I promised them that I would share a picture a day once my son was born. Well, that was eighteen months ago and I continue to try and take a picture of Jack every day.

My photography has grown from a personal passion to a small side business. This November will mark two years since the day that a friend of my wife had asked that I shoot an event for her event planning company. She helped me take that leap of faith and with that leap NKPIX was born.

Over the past two years I have shot prenatal clients, children, babies, homes for a realtor, products for a name it and I probably shot it. I have had a lot of fun shooting and I have learned a ton from various resources.

I love to shoot portraits/family lifestyle photos, and I plan on using this blog primarily to "pay it forward" so to speak. Perhaps pass on a little about what I know to others who are considering starting a small side photography business, but are scared to make that leap of faith. I have been helped tremendously by others and I hope that I can to can make a difference for someone else.

Talk to you soon!

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